
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Installing Joomla on local computer (localhost)

First to install joomla you need a webserver, php and mysql installed on your computer. If you don't have these WAMP (Windows Apache MySql PHP) server and install it. I am writing this tutorial using WAMP
as my server. But these steps are almost same in all other servers.

Follow the steps below

1. First you need joomla package. Go to Joomla website and download the latest version of joomla.
Follow this link download joomla. This tutorial is based on
Joomla 1.5.x.

2. unzip(extract) the file and rename it to joomla.

3. Then place it on www directory of the WAMP server.(or htdocs directory if you are using XAMPP server)

4. Now type http://localhost/joomla on your browser address bar. You'll see the installation page of joomla...

5. select your language and Click on next.

6. you'll see a pre-installation check page. Click Next.

7. You'll see the licence page. Click Next.

8. Database(MySQL) configuration page.

Database type: leave it mysql

hostname: type localhost

username: type root (or your mysql username)

password: type password of your mysql account (the default is empty for root)

Database name: type joomla (or anything you wish)

(Now the database joomla will be automatically created in your mysql.)

Click Next

9. Ftp configuration page. Leave it and click Next.

10.Main configuraion page.

Site Name: anything you like

Your email: type your email address.

Admin password:type any password you like (this will be the password for the admin account)

confirm password: type the above password again.

Next, click on Install Sample Data. You'll see Sample data installed successfully.

Click Next.

11. Finish.... Now go to "joomla" folder in www directory and delete the "installation" folder. This is for security reasons.

Note: If you don't delete the installation folder, you can't access joomla home page.

Success...Now type http://localhost/joomla in your browser and you'll see the joomla home page.

Editing the content..
Login as the administrator.
To login as administrator go to http://localhost/joomla/administrator.

You'll see a login page. Type "admin" as username and type in your admin password you used at registration. Now you will see administrator page. Now you can edit cms, install templates and extesnions etc...

Installing Templates and extensions:
In the administrators page, move your mouse over exentsions link, you'll see a drop down menu. Select "install/uninstall". Extension manager will open. You can upload templates and extensions from this page.

After installing a template....go to Extensions at the top....and click on Template Manager from the drop down menu. Now select the template you install and click on "default" to make it the default template.

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